Friday 28 March 2014

Totally unrelated to title!!!!

Hey readers!!( I did not know that i'd actually be saying that because obviously neither i was expecting anyone to read my blogs nor i wanted it that way). For this particular post i wanted to create a new title , but unfortunately my computer is acting way too weird, so yeah that explains why i'm still posting it under a totally unrelated subject!
Anyway guys, i'm not into writing and i never wanted to make a blog of my own. I mean i never thought about writing for the world to read about my personal life.I'm a pretty private person but then today my creative writing instructor gave our class an assignment of making our very own blog!! *sigh*
Ma'am i know you're reading this and it's not even funny anymore because apparently within the 15 mins of my posts, my lame blog had been viewed for over 30 times from all around the world including Europe and America!! People, it's just an assignment, please ignore my posts and do not bother reading my stuff again because you ain't getting anything except for the obvious crap. I'm sure a 10 year old can make a better blog than i did :P and i'm not even kidding lol. I might have written somewhat better if we had been given more than just a few hours to do this and if finals were not just two weeks away. By the way , just so you all know, I am also writing a novel which would be completed in a few days hopefully and that wouldn't be this bad :P 
Anyway my assignment is done here, don't expect any more posts from me and for you Ma'am Zahra , you know you rock!! :P you have actually made us do stuff which we never thought we would  ;) i hope you're happy now :P
cheers xD

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