Friday 28 March 2014

Totally unrelated to title!!!!

Hey readers!!( I did not know that i'd actually be saying that because obviously neither i was expecting anyone to read my blogs nor i wanted it that way). For this particular post i wanted to create a new title , but unfortunately my computer is acting way too weird, so yeah that explains why i'm still posting it under a totally unrelated subject!
Anyway guys, i'm not into writing and i never wanted to make a blog of my own. I mean i never thought about writing for the world to read about my personal life.I'm a pretty private person but then today my creative writing instructor gave our class an assignment of making our very own blog!! *sigh*
Ma'am i know you're reading this and it's not even funny anymore because apparently within the 15 mins of my posts, my lame blog had been viewed for over 30 times from all around the world including Europe and America!! People, it's just an assignment, please ignore my posts and do not bother reading my stuff again because you ain't getting anything except for the obvious crap. I'm sure a 10 year old can make a better blog than i did :P and i'm not even kidding lol. I might have written somewhat better if we had been given more than just a few hours to do this and if finals were not just two weeks away. By the way , just so you all know, I am also writing a novel which would be completed in a few days hopefully and that wouldn't be this bad :P 
Anyway my assignment is done here, don't expect any more posts from me and for you Ma'am Zahra , you know you rock!! :P you have actually made us do stuff which we never thought we would  ;) i hope you're happy now :P
cheers xD

Fly!!! by Hilary Duff

Through out my teen years, i had been obsessed with a song and the person who sung it and i guess i still am. As the title suggests itself i'm talking about Fly by Hilary Duff. Of course i am a grown up now and i'm not the obsessed Disney girl anymore which i used to be but this particular song is still somehow very close to my heart  and i never seem to get tired of it as it is very relate-able :)  

In a moment, everything can change,
Feel the wind on your shoulder,
For a minute, all the world can wait,
Let go of your yesterday.

Can you hear it calling?
Can you feel it in your soul?
Can you trust this longing?
And take control,

Open up the part of you that wants to hide away
You can shine,
Forget about the reasons why you can't in life,
And start to try, cause it's your time,
Time to fly.

All your worries, leave them somewhere else,
Find a dream you can follow,
Reach for something, when there's nothing left,
And the world's feeling hollow

<3 <3


Well apart from the celebrity obsession, i do have another one and that happens to be a person who's very close to my heart, the one and only KHAN who manages to make my day no matter what!! always energetic, lame and funny :P she's the biggest drama queen ever and one of those people who make themselves the laughing stock and yet they don't care what others think about them!and she always manages to bring the crazy hidden side of me. The most transparent, adorable and caring person that you'll ever meet :D 


Sid Sid Sid............. SIDHARTH MALHOTRA!!!!

Okay so you might judge me when i say that i am totally in love with a celebrity and that too an Indian actor :P but  i have reached that point where a person stops caring what others think and openly admits the obsession,no matter how cheap or paindu it sounds :p The lucky guy happens to be none other than Kukkad Kamal Da aka Sidharth Malhotra hahaha as if you already did not know. After all i am pretty open about my interests lol so yeahhhh if you're not already my friend but you intend to be, know that you HAVE to like Sid and bear all the talks about how hot he is and how i love his height, smile, personality  and what not?? and you'll have to watch his movies with me on the big screen :D and if you're not okay with this . welll then it's your loss! trust me :P 

Keep Calm and Love Moustaches !! :P

Yup, you read that correctly. Mustaches are one of my weirdest obsessions!! :P not the actual mustaches of course but the cute unreal ones printed on shirts and all the related accessories whether its the jewelry , notebooks , key chains, the bags or even a mug! so next time whenever you come across any mustache related stuff, don't forget ME :P 
"Much nahi teh kuch nahi" hahaha ;)